Friday, March 13, 2015

My New Venture

My first love was vintage. Over our (almost) 21 years of marriage, my husband and I have spent many, many weekends at flea markets and antique stores. My love of photography began after the birth of my daughter 9 years ago. I started incorporating my vintage finds into my photos, and my hobby turned into a business. It seemed that more and more people were turning toward vintage, and they loved my style.

As I ventured into indoor photography, I soon learned the pros and cons of backdrops. Having limited space to store them, those tubes of rolled-up vinyl were just a pain and took up a lot of my precious storage space. Not to mention the hard-earned money I paid for them, only to learn that the ink scratches off easily and a lot of them have a dreadful glare. I was on a mission to find an affordable, durable material that resists wrinkles and is guaranteed not to glare. I believe I have succeeded, and am so happy to finally be able to offer fellow photographers a great product.

While I now have a studio filled with flea market finds to use in my sessions, I realize not everyone has the space for that. Many of my backdrops are photos of my actual session setups and vintage items, and the result is so realistic that people don't even realize you're using a backdrop.

Storage is so easy. Backdrops come in a zippered pouch and are no bigger than a large bath towel. They are also double-sided, so the amount of space they save is invaluable. They resist wrinkles, but if they are left folded for a long period of time, a few minutes in the dryer works perfectly. I hope you'll enjoy them as much as I do! 

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